Monday, May 01, 2006


Why does the government still think that the railways should be under private control? Why do they think that competition and the so-called 'free market' would offer any potential benefit to a network in which it is impossible for companies to compete? The only way that competition enters into it, as far as I can see, is that every few years the companies have to bid for the charter. But we all know that that process is hardly going to be free from some sort of corruption, and who holds the company to account when they get the contract? The shareholders don't give a monkeys about the passengers. It gets me so annoyed when I have to get on the umpteenth bus replacement service just because there hasn't been enough continuous investment over the years. And I detest being called a customer: I am a passenger, and they are providing a public service, not 'selling a product'. When will they wake up? And now they are doing it to schools too. Grrr....


Blogger James said...

Ah, and there was I thinking that the end of your thesis travails would in fact mean the end of `thesis travails'.

But no! You apparently continue with your `weblog'.

11:56 pm, May 01, 2006  
Blogger Pediment said...

It's not over yet...there is still a viva and whatever may follow in the way of corrections.

10:43 am, May 02, 2006  
Blogger James said...

And in the meantime you must dream of a socialist utopia. Fair enough.

12:59 pm, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Pediment said...

Hath not history taught thee that utopian dreams are but idle fancy? It is better even to dismiss such distracting temptations and focus thine energies upon improving the reality as best we may.

1:13 pm, May 02, 2006  
Blogger James said...

Hath thou not watched the matrixxe on the TV last night?


3:00 pm, May 02, 2006  
Blogger Pediment said...


3:05 pm, May 02, 2006  

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