Saturday, September 09, 2006

And again...

After a long absence, caused by nothing more than a combination of sporadic travel and laziness, I have decided to post again. In fact, I thought I should write something before heading off to Korea, whither I go on Thursday. I am going out for about 3 months to do some post-docking. This should be an interesting experience and I hope to write about it here. I am not sure what the computing facilities will be like; for instance, will I be able to understand Korean Windows? I must get a laptop.

Anyhow, my Korean consists of about five words and interjections. It shouldn't be too much of a problem in the lab, but for things like buying washing powder it may prove woefully inadequate. Necessity will, no doubt, prove to be the mother of all sorts of unsuspected linguistic ability. Right, well, until I have something interesting to say on the matter and some photos to stick up, I might as well stop.

And, by the way, I had my viva!


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