Monday, June 25, 2007

Three cheers for Padua!

My, my, it has been a while!

And what have I to show for it? Well, I have been assigned my house at Eton. It's a nice little terraced house, overlooking the cricket fields and next to the golf course. The situation is very Leafy. Now I have to fill it with stuff because it only comes with carpets, a cooker (bought off the previous occupant) and a few shelves. My kind neighbour, who is moving, has given me some the stuff that he no longer needs, so I am now fully equipped with chairs, table, sofa bed, wardrobe and fridge. Really, what more do I need?

I have also started work at the King's Buildings in Edinburgh, doing general setting up of a lab. It's fun to be back, although I had a bad experience with bolts this morning, as the threads got crossed and they had to be sheared off. Anyway, tomorrow should be a better day.

And I went to Venice, but my camera got lost, so I have no photos of it. Still, it was a great break, and because I've been there twice before, I didn't feel the need to run around and do all the Sights. I did go to Padua for a day, and in the big old city hall there was a 20 metre Foucault's pendulum. Accompanying the pendulum was a computer to inform the visitor how it works. It was the best science exhibit I've ever seen, because the computer slideshow did not patronise at all, but went into great detail about rotating reference frames, Coriolis force, with vector algebra and everything! Imagine seeing that in a British museum. Never in a million years. Hurrah for Padua, I say!

(I commented on this to my dad, who had visited it before, and he said that he couldn't understand it at all and therefore it was a rubbish exhibit. Nonsense!)


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